Why I Joined Pivotal Software

Cross-posted from my first blog published on LinkedIn

On brand with Pivotal Software...

Not only did I recently join Pivotal Software, I found my way into the swag closet…

I’m proud to announce that I have joined the marketing team at Pivotal Software.

There’s a special kind of excitement in helping build a business that you know can change the world. I’m excited to have a chance to work with the many talented people here at Pivotal, and be part of an amazing company and culture dedicated to helping customers create new innovations in big data.

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For Fun: If IT Products Were Marketed Like Cereal & Offbeat Analogies for IT Cloud Strategy

Found some pictures I made over the last couple of years as social media gags about the IT industry.

If IT products were marketed like cereal:


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New Podcast with SAP Insider: The Relationship Between IT and Business Innovation

As a companion to my latest SAPinsider article, How Platform-as-a-Service Turns Business Ideas into Business Innovation, in this podcast I discuss how companies can leverage IT to drive business innovation, how a lack of governance between IT and business can hinder innovation, offer an example of one innovative company that I’ve heard about, and provide advice on how to use IT to bring more innovation to your company.


My championship First Lego Robotics Team from Graham Middle School, sponsored by SAP, trying to innovate a solution.
[SOURCE: (c) Greg Chase]

How Platform-as-a-Service Turns Business Ideas into Business Innovation

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My latest article for download: How Platform-as-a-Service Turns Business Ideas into Business Innovation

Or see in the online version of SAP Insider.